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Durango Silver Company specializes in Turquoise Bracelets, we have Authentic Native American and Southwest Artisan styled Turquoise Bracelets. We carry and produce many different styles of quality Turquoise Bracelets made with exceptional Authentic Turquoise and Southwestern contrasting Stones that make our One-of-A-Kind Bracelets stand out from the others found elsewhere.
We have created this informational page for your pleasure and to educate you on the different type and style of Turquoise Bracelets that are available from Durango Silver Co of Durango, Colorado USA.
Our Men's Turquoise Bracelets are of substantial weight and quality craftsmanship. We have been producing Mens Turquoise Bracelets for almost 40 years and produce Sterling Silver Mens Bracelets that are unique to our company and not found elsewhere. Our Men's Turquoise Bracelets come in all sizes for any man's wrist small to extra large. We use authentic high quality Turquoise in the Bracelets that we produce as well as in all of our Jewelry. We have rare and unusual Turquoise Stones that we mine, cut and have collected for years that cannot be found anywhere else other then our company.
If you would like to view additional information on Men's Turquoise Bracelets, we invite you to take a look at our Mens Turquoise Bracelet presentation page or go to our products pages to find the Turquoise Bracelets that we presently have available for your consideration.
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To the left - Native American Turquoise Cuff Bracelet. This handmade Sterling Silver Turquoise Cuff Bracelet was made by Aaron Cadman, (Navajo Silversmith). Aaron in known for his quality stamp work and this Bracelet is a great example. The Broken Arrow Turquoise Stone comes from Nevada and is of high quality and very attractive. This is a one of a kind piece and is spectacular in person.
To the right - Is the same handcrafted Turquoise Bracelet from a side view to show you the interact stamp work that Arron has done. The Navajo Silversmiths are known for their quality stamp work and craftsmanship in Silver. The Navajo also appreciate quality natural Turquoise and enjoy creating their artwork around a fine Turquoise Gemstone.
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To the left - Is a large sized Navajo Row Bracelet made Fox Turquoise Stones. This is a classic Navajo Mens Turquoise Bracelet style that has been made for over 100 years and is still a desirable design that is in fashion today. This type of Navajo Bracelet seems to be timeless and men who have a Navajo Row Bracelet seem to wear them on a daily bases as they are comfortable and attractive.
To the right - A Native American hand stamped, Manassa Turquoise Mens Bracelet by Navajo artist Darryl Becenti. The highlight of this wide Sterling Silver and Turquoise Bracelet is a top grade natural Manassa Turquoise Cabochon. This Colorado Turquoise Cabochon is surrounded by a rope or cable design and is set atop an intricately hand stamped bracelet shank that is substantial in weight. This is a handsome Turquoise Bracelet that is very attractive when worn.
Our Womens Turquoise Bracelets are made very elegant and most can be worn on an every day basis as well as for that special night out on the town. We specialize in Southwestern and/or Navajo handcrafted Women's Turquoise Bracelets with spectacular Turquoise and other colored Gemstones. We also carry Inlay Turquoise Bracelets, Turquoise Bead Bracelets and multi-stone Zuni Indian Bracelets. We try to always have a good selection of high quality Women's Turquoise Bracelets on hand for your consideration. Below are a few photos of Womens Bracelets with descriptions. You can see others by visiting our Womens Turquoise Bracelet presentation page or by following the links to the left which will take you to our products pages.
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To the left - A Women's Turquoise Bracelet by John Hartman. This is an outstanding bracelet and features fancy silver work and a high grade Orvil Jack Turquoise Stone from Nevada. This wonderful natural Lime Turquoise stone is bezel set and Surrounded by Victorian style fern leaves and raindrops. This is all set atop a Southwestern style cable or rope style sterling silver bracelet shank.
To the right - Is the side view of this outstanding Ladies Turquoise Bracelet. The design of this Womens Turquoise Cuff Bracelet is very unusual with high relief repose Silver floral accents that make it a dynamic piece.
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To the left - Is a beautiful sleek fashion Womens Turquoise Bracelet with Blue Gem Turquoise from the Battle Mountain, Nevada area. It has exquisite silver work with reposed floral designs on a heavy twisted wire frame.
To the right - Is a nice Ladies Turquoise Cuff Bracelet with an outstanding Ribbon Turquoise from the Pilot Mountain Turquoise Mine located near Tonopah, Nevada. This unusual Turquoise Gemstone is set in a classic Southwestern Designed Sterling Silver Bracelet that is simplistic yet elegant.
Native American and Southwestern Turquoise Bracelets with Green Nevada Turquoise have been collectible by many seasoned Turquoise Jewelry Collectors for nearly a hundred years. Green Turquoise Bracelets have a different look than Bracelets with Blue Turquoise, they tend to have a more subtle and natural look. Many people associate Green Turquoise with old Jewelry, but, Green Turquoise is often extremely beautiful with a lot of spectacular characteristics including spiderweb matrix. Below are some examples of Green Turquoise Bracelets, if you would like to see more, check out our Green Turquoise Jewelry presentation page or go to our Green Turquoise Bracelet product pages.
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To the left - This green Turquoise Bracelet has wonderful lime green Turquoise with deep mahogany brown spider web matrix. This high grade Turquoise cabochon is surrounded by flowers, sunbursts, filigree and raindrop designs. This is set atop a classic southwest style five-prong shank. This Turquoise bracelet was artisan handmade in Durango, Colorado by John Hartman.
To the right -Broken Arrow turquoise silver cuff bracelet by Aaron Cadman - Navajo artist. This handmade sterling silver cuff bracelet features a freeform cabochon of Natural Broken Arrow from Mina, Nevada. Really cool designer cut cab. This cuff style silver and Turquoise bracelet is a great size and weight. Clean, neat stamp work. Stamped sterling silver and hallmarked A. Cadman.
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To the left - Lost Wax Vine and Flower Design Sugilite and Royston Turquoise Bracelet by John Hartman. This heavy sterling silver bracelet is a true work of art that you are sure to never see another alike. The bracelet features a large semi - nugget cut piece of Natural Royston Turquoise from Tonopah, Nevada. The turquoise is complimented by two oval RARE Natural high grade Royal Purple Sugilite from the Wessel's Mine in South Africa. Fun, artsy design work. Artisan handmade in Durango, Colorado USA.
To the right - Is the same Green Turquoise Bracelet as described above. This is a view of one of the sides.
Blue Turquoise Bracelets have been in demand by the majority of people who desire a Turquoise Bracelet worldwide for several thousand years. Blue Turquoise has been known as the Skystone by healers, medicine men, prophets and pharaohs for over 7,000 years and admirers of Turquoise Jewelry tend to migrate towards Blue Turquoise still today.
Durango Silver Company has been producing Blue Turquoise Bracelets for nearly 40 years and we have had some real beauties. Our specialty is exquisit handcrafted Silverwork with exceptional Turquoise Stones. We have been collection high quality Turquoise for over 40 years and have a wide array of beautiful Blue Turquoise that is seldom seen in Turquoise Jewelry and Bracelets elsewhere.
Below are some photo examples with descriptions. If you would like to see more, visit our Blue Turquoise Jewelry presentation page or go right to product pages to see what we have to offer.
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To the left - A Deep Blue Smokey Bisbee Turquoise Bracelet by Native American Artist Tom Bahe and John Hartman. This bracelet features one freeform cabochon of Natural Bisbee Turquoise. This stone is bezel set and surrounded by Victorian style floral designs on each side. This is set upon a great four wire, heavy silver shank. Artisan handcrafted in Durango, Colorado and stamped "Tbahe and Sterling".
To the right - Classic Eight Stone Channel Inlay, Bisbee Turquoise Bracelet by Dillon Hartman. This simple, classic channel inlay bracelet focuses on eight deep blue square Bisbee Turquoise stones. The rest of the bracelet is plain, shiny silver. Artisan handmade in Durango, Colorado USA.
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To the left - A Kingman Turquoise Handmade Men's / Women's Blue Inlay Turquoise Bracelet. This is an unusual Inlay Blue Turquoise Bracelet with unique silverwork and inlaid Turquoise Stones. It was produced by Durango Silver Company.
To the right - A beautiful old style Navajo Bracelet with a spectacular Blue Wind Turquoise Gemstone. This is a collectors Bracelet with exquisit Silverwork and a fantastic spiderweb Turquoise Stone from the extinct "Blue Wind" Turquoise Mine.
White Turquoise is generally from Nevada. The White Buffalo Turquoise Mine is just out of Tonopah, Nevada and is owned by the Otteson's who also own the Royston Turquoise Mine. White Buffalo Turquoise has many variations in color as well as the matrix that is found in the rock, the most popular is black churt or manganese. White Turquoise in Southwestern Sterling Silver Bracelets is very popular these days and Durango Silver Co has a good variety to choose from.
We have men's as well as women's White Turquoise Bracelets from small to large, from simple to ornate.
Below are some examples of our White Turquoise Bracelets with photos and descriptions for you to look at. If you would like to see additional examples, please visit our White Turquoise Bracelet presentation page or go strait to our products pages to choose a Bracelet from our available stock.
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To the left - Is a White Buffalo Turquoise Cuff Bracelet made by John Hartman of Durango Silver Co. This authentic White Buffalo Turquoise Gemstone was set in a Victorian Silver design that John is quickly becoming noted for. The high relief repose designs on the sides of the stone were created from the scrolls on a hundred dollar bill.
To the right - Is a White Buffalo Turquoise Bracelet, Navajo handcrafted in heavy layers of square Sterling Silver wire overlayed onto heavy Silver plate. This is a simplistic design that is substancial in weight and very classy. A great example of White Turquoise bracelets.
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To the left - A Fashion Turquoise Bracelet with White Buffalo Turquoise. This White Buffalo Turquoise Bracelet is considered a Fashion Turquoise Bracelet due to its stylish Silver designs and attention to detail it has. Layers of Silver and the sunburst designs next to the White Buffalo Turquoise really sets this Bracelet appart from others. A fine example of quality white Turquoise bracelets.
To the right - Is a simplistic yet elegant White Buffalo Cuff Bracelet made to be a ladies Bracelet. The White Buffalo Turquoise Stone is bezel set and then surrounded by unique Silver filigree, it has a very nice Bracelet frame that was made from several types of Sterling Silver wire. A different example of a fine white Turquoise bracelet.
Durango Silver Company produces a wide variety of Turqoise Cuff Bracelets from simple quality pieces to high fashion, multi-strand, intrecat and and elaborate pieces of art. We have Turquoise Cuff Bracelets to meet any particular taste in Turquoise Jewelry. We have been making cuff style Turquoise Bracelets for nearly forty years and specialize in unique Turquoise Bracelets that can only be found through our company and online store.
If you would like to see more examples of Turquoise Cuff Bracelet visit our Turquoise Cuff Bracelet Presentation Page or go strait to our products pages to view what we currently have available for your consideration.
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To the left - Is a unique Turquoise Cuff Bracelet with in an Antique Turquoise Bracelet style yet modern made. This Bracelet has a fluted bead design that was popular in the 1890's, John Hartman has been a collector of Vintage Turquoise Jewelry and this was inspired from his interest in Antique Indian Jewelry. It is a heave gauge Sterling Silver Cuff Bracelet with a beautiful Blue Turquoise Stone.
To the right - This Southwestern Styled Turquoise Cuff Bracelet features a beautiful Morenci Turquoise Stone with flecks of Iron Pyrite that looks like Silver. It has seashell designs accenting the stone with a nice Silver Bracelet Frame. This is a simple yet elegant Turquoise Cuff Bracelet.
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To the left - Is a Fashion Turquoise Cuff Bracelet of unusual charicter. It has multiple layers of uniquely designed Silver throughout the entire Cuff Bracelet. It has a gentle dome to the entire piece which give it a charicter of its own and is a classy Fashion style of Bracelet that you will not see anywhere else on the Internet or in a Jewelry Store.
To the right - Is a unique Lime Turquoise Cuff Bracelet of simplistic design yet in high fashion due to its beautiful Lime Turquoise Gemstone. The Stone is bezel set with shell designs on a half round Silver wire frame of substancial weight.
Durango Silver Company produces many types of Turquoise Beaded Cuff Bracelets, we specialize in Southwestern Cuff Bracelets made by Nattarika Hartman. Our Turquoise as well as all of our other Gemstone Beads are individually sellected for the beauty of each particular Bead. We use Sterling Silver Findings in all of our Cuff Bracelets, Beaded Necklaces and other beaded items we make here in Durango, Colorado USA. We make many different style of beaded cuff style Turquoise bracelets.
Below are a few photos with descriptions of Turquoise Beaded Cuff Bracelets produced by our company. If you are interested in seeing additional pieces, visit our Turquoise Beaded Cuff Bracelet presentation page or go directly to our Turquoise Beaded Cuff Bracelets that we presently have available for your consideration.
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To the left - Is a very nice yet simple Turquoise Beaded Cuff Bracelet that is easy to wear on an everyday basis. It is beautiful, classy and made by Durango Silver Co with authentic Turquoise Beads.
To the right - This Cuff Bracelet was made with authentic Turquoise Barrel Bead and Sugilite Beads to make a great multi-colored Gemstone Cuff Bracelet. The findings are made in Sterling Silver.
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To the left - Is a three strand Lime Turquoise Nugget Beaded Cuff Bracelet. The Lime Turquoise Nuggets are beautiful and a few blue Turquoise Beads are nestled in the Bracelet to give it extra pazaz. The findings are in Sterling Silver.
To the right - Is a Turquoise and colored Gemstone Fashion Beaded Cuff Bracelet that is very colorful. It was made to be a Necklace as well as a Cuff Bracelet which makes it two pieces of Jewelry in one. It is beautiful when worn either as a Cuff Bracelet or a Necklace.
John Hartman of Durango Silver Company has been collecting Vintage Turquoise Jewelry for many years and have bought out many old Trading Post collections including the Chilchimbito Trading Post Collection, the Tsegi Trading Post Collection, and the Fort Defiance Trading Post Collection! We usually have a large selection of Old Pawn Turquoise Bracelets for your consideration. We carry Vintage Zuni Inlay Turquoise Bracelets, Navajo Turquoise Bracelets, Hopi Bracelets and more!
We specialize in authentic Old Pawn Native American Jewelry that is pre-1950s. John Hartman is an expert in identifying and authenticating old Jewelry and has been a collector, dealer and appraiser of Antique Turquoise Jewelry for over 40 years. We have dealt in some of the finest Vintage Turquoise Jewelry that has been available for public purchase and have an extensive collection.
You can see Antique Turquoise Bracelets by visiting our Antique Turquoise Jewelry presentation page or by following the links to the left which will take you to our products pages.
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To the left - This old Navajo made Bracelet is a classic Navajo Antique Turquoise Bracelet. I believe it was made from an ingot, silver coins melted, poured into a bar and then hammered out into thick sheet. I believe it was fire pit soldered together and the stones are well worn and body oil stained, they could be from Cerrillos or Manassa, but they started out blue. This Antique Turquoise bracelet will fits a medium size ladies wrist. Circa 1900.
To the right - I purchased this Antique Turquoise Bracelet from Francis Griswold, the owner of Fort Defiance Trading Post, in 1982. Francis is probably one of the most famous Indian Traders from the olden days. It has the original pawn ticket from 2-2-52 and was pawned from P Etisity? I had to talk Francis out of this one as he had an attachment to it for one reason or another, actually - look at it! The Blue Gem Turquoise is from the Battle Mountain Nevada area and is most famous Turquoise by the old ones.
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To the left - Vintage Zuni Native American petti or petite point, blue, Sleeping Beauty Turquoise bracelet from the 1950s. This Antique Turquoise Bracelet is a Zuni classic and features 63 natural Sleeping Beauty "Robin's Egg" Blue Turquoise cabochons. The cabochons are mostly pear shaped with an oval center stone in each cluster. All of the beautiful blue American Turquoise stones are bezel set with a serrated bezel and separated by a raindrop. This Vintage Zuni Petit Point Turquoise Bracelet was Native American artisan handmade on the Zuni Pueblo in New Mexico, USA.
To the right - Is a side view of the Vintage Zuni Turquoise Bracelet described above.
Back to the Jewelry Learning Center
We hope you have enjoyed our presentation and have gained some useful knowledge from it. We invite you to learn more about Turquoise and Turquoise Jewelry by following the links in our Learning Center to other informational pages that we have written on different topics related to Turquoise Jewelry. In addition, we would like to invite you to join our E-Mail Newsletter - about once every other month we send out a Newsletter to inform our members of what's happening with Durango Silver Company, new products, specials for our members and more. We also have a monthly drawing from our member base to give away free Turquoise Jewelry from our company. Please take a moment to become one of our friends by signing in below. We hope you have enjoyed reading about Turquoise bracelets and this article has helped you make a decision next time you are purchasing a Turquoise bracelet.