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Turquoise Properties

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We have just created a great new page on Turquoise Properties. This page gives you a lot of great information regarding the physical properties of Turquoise and a lot of good interesting information for your education on Turquoise.

Turquoise is one of the very first gemstones found by mankind over 7,500 years ago. It was found in Egypt and was immediately coveted by the Gods and Godesses of ancient times. Pharoahs, Roman Gladiators and Spiritual leaders also worshipped Turquoise and it has been an important gemstone for thousands of years since. Our webpage presentation on Turquoise Properties has more info and links you will appreciate.

Turquoise Properties

Turquoise from the Sleeping Beauty Turquoise mineOur new informational page on Turquoise Properties gives you all of the physical turquoise properties that you may be interested in, plus, it goes in depth about the color variations and properties, treatments of Turquoise and the basic care of this wonderful gemstone.

Durango Silver Company has created a giant portfolio of informational pages that go way beyond the Turquoise Properties, many of them can be in our Turquoise Learning Center as well as in our Sitemap on pages 5 and 6. A couple other pages you may like to read are American Turquoise, Bisbee Turquoise, Arizona Turquoise and Nevada Turquoise Mines.

Turquoise Properties by Durango Silver Company

Durango Silver Company is a leader in the Turquoise Industry, we have been engulfed in every aspect of Turquoise for over 40 years. We have Mined Turquoise, Collected Turquoise, we are professional Turquoise cutters, we manufacture and produce Turquoise Jewelry and we continously study this fastenating gemstone.

Durango Silver Company also has one of the largest Bisbee Turquoise collections on earth. Bisbee Turquoise is known as the best Turquoise that ever came out of the ground in the United States. We have Bisbee Turquoise in all types of Jewelry as well as fine quality hand cut gemstones if you wish to make your own Jewelry. Also, see another WordPress on Bisbee Turquoise Cabochons at

If you like Turquoise, you have come to the right place to find the best quality Turquoise Jewelry with authentic natural American Turquoise stones of unquestionable quality. We hope you check out our site to find out more about Turquoise, Turquoise Jewelry and Turquoise Properties.

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